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Spectacular homeland stories

The sexton and the demon

The Demon in the Steeple exciting video
(by Nadja Laue)  
There was a rather dreadful story to be told from the monastery in Beuditz:

On the evening before the first day of May 1492, the sexton climbed up the path to the church tower, as he did every evening, and wanted to go about his business there.
Halfway up the stairs he called for help out of fear

But only when he calls a second time does a farmer from the neighboring farm rush to his aid. | The monastery residents were already sound asleep, so they did not hear his request.  The farmer met a sexton on the lower third of the church tower steps, who was white as a sheet and stiffened with terror.
Trembling and only in fragments, he reported about a monster that lived in the beams of the tower and tried to kill him. That struck the farmer as quite strange. - However, he suspected that it could also be a demon or even the devil himself.  This had been seen everywhere in those days. | Even the dealer in indulgences had reported it. - However, nothing could happen to the indulgence dealer, since he had bought an indulgence and was thus safe from such mischief in the shadow world.  Taking a deep breath, he encouraged himself and walked up the stairs.
But just six steps later he saw the creature. - Eyes glowed red-yellow out of the darkness in the diffused candlelight. - There was a strange yet familiar sound.

Almost like a rustling of wings. - When he stepped up another step, which creaked loudly, he was very startled.

But when he flinched, the dim candlelight illuminated the creature in the darkness. And the farmer burst out laughing. | An owl had flew into the church tower through the open bell of the tower and had rested in a beam connection throughout the day.  The darkness had brought life back to the animal.
Because as a hunter of the night it was breakfast time for him. - And as the farmer snorts and laughs, the feathered animal fluttered past him | The owl opened its wings over the farmer's head and swung powerfully into the air. - It disappeared through the small side window into the cold night air. The Beuditzers talked about the anxious sexton for a long time.
But didn't others sit on the stairs in fear or be as brave as the farmer and solve the riddle?
Nobody wanted to say that with certainty.

Sayfayı güncelleyen: Kathryn Albrecht - 11.04.2023 - 17:57:41