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Spectacular homeland stories

Young woman killed by debris of steeple in storm

Church Tower Debris Killed Young Woman In Storm exciting story in the video
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text log:

In Lobas, shortly after the Thirty Years' War, there was a curious maid in the vicarage.
The pastor had his problems with the woman.
When it rattles. If anything smelled strange. Even if nothing happened.
She was always there. She missed nothing.
She was so curious that it was unbearable.
The pastor had already considered firing the maid and getting another Easter girl who wasn't so annoying.
One autumn day a storm had come.
The wind whistled. Real gusts whistled through the town of Lobas.
The roof tiles of the Lobas church rattled and fell off the roof.
There was a bang and everything whirled through the village. dirt, dust. Straw flew from the roofs.
The parish maid was active in her attic and observed what was happening.
Suddenly there was a murderous crash.
What happened?
The old pointed-Gothic church tower of the Lobas church fell victim to this storm, partially collapsing and falling down.
Of course, the eager parish maid immediately had to assess what had happened.
She hurried down the stairs in the vicarage and ran across the courtyard, the churchyard.
And when she was just in front of the church, another piece of the church tower fell down and killed the parish maid in front of the church entrance.
With that, the curious maid was gone.
The pastor could choose a new maid who had been well proved and was not as curious as her predecessor.
But, this was a tragic accident and people were very superstitious.
The grave of the parish maid was dug at the site of her death.
The parish financed a lavish tombstone for the maid.
Until 1997 this tombstone stood on the spot where the maid died.
At that time the church was renovated and restored.
Somehow the tombstone was taken away at the time – supposedly for restoration.
Unfortunately, this tombstone has not been returned to the present day.
I am in the process of getting this tombstone back in place and commemorating that horrible fall day when this parish maid died.

עדכון עמוד: Danielle Krüger - 11.04.2023 - 04:25:39